Friday, April 25, 2008

Trying to Remain on a Schedule

I'm trying to update somewhat regularly but sometimes I'm a little behind on the photo content which means I usually put off blogging for another day or two (or three). I don't know if anyone actually reads this thing regularly but I'm an avid reader of other people's blogs and I love opening them up every few days to a new post. Therefore, I try and post on something of a schedule (I was trying for every day but let's be honest here folks, we're all busy people).

I say all that to is my post for today, sadly pictureless.

Since I finished with the vest I started working on a mitered square blanket. I was surprised at how quickly I finished the squares. I made 2 full finished squares plus 3/4 of another one yesterday. That was about 3 hours of knitting total. I'm hoping to crank this thing out in a couple of weeks.

Yesterday was rather exciting. After I left work I rushed home. I was going to meet my aunt at 5:30 to go to Athens for the NCAA gymnastics tournament. I figured if I could be home by 4:30 I could change and go to the gym for 15-20 minutes before I rushed back to my apartment and got ready. I miraculously made it home by 4:30, threw on a change of clothes, and was at the gym by 4:40. I was on the treadmill for 3 minutes when I heard my phone ring in my bag (which was weird in the first place because I usually turn it off when I'm working out). I jumped off and looked to see who had called. It was my aunt. I figured she was running late and almost didn't bother to listen to the message but I rethought it and decided to anyways. Boy was I glad that I did! She had actually left work early and was 10 minutes away from my apartment. The look on my face must have been priceless. I jumped off the treadmill and bolted to my apartment. I actually was ready to go (minus a shirt change) when she arrived at 5:00.

The tournament itself went really well. It was a long evening but the girls looked really good. The University of Georgia Gym Dogs came in first and they and LSU, florida (boo), Alabama, Stanford, and Utah will go on to tonight's Super 6 finals. Yes, I said tonight. I'll be up there again cheering on UGA. And Saturday I'll be up there to watch the individual competitions. Some knitting should be done during the car ride but I don't like to knit during the meet. Too much is going on :)

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