Monday, September 1, 2008

"The Tally"

Remember awhile back when I realized that I was going to have to start knitting a lot more in order to reach my "25 Wins a Prize" for Warm Woolies? Well, I made this nice little tally on my calendar to help keep me motivated. This is what it looked like yesterday (my calendar is of the New York City Fire Department).
And this is what it looked like today (hello nurse! oh wait, focus on knitting...).
Last month I completed 1.5 projects for Warm Woolies. .5? you ask. Yeah, because I only finished half a pair of socks.
I did manage one complete pair of socks so they make the one completed thing I made for Warm Woolies.
There was a lot of Ravelympic knitting in there though so I can overlook the fact that I only made 1.5 things last month (and technically I bound off the toe to the .5 pair of socks today because I needed the DPNs for another project...I'm still counting it for last month though). I just have to get things in gear for the next couple of months to stay on track. My recent investment should help some :)

After a nice little bike ride this morning I cleaned the house and dyed some yarn. Basically at the same time. And did laundry. I'm like Super Woman today.

The first colorway I did is called Stop Light.
I like how the yellow turned out and the green is pretty nice too. The red is a little too pinky for me but that can be fixed on the next go around.

The second colorway I dyed I'm calling The (Almost) Black Widow.
I really like how the red hourglass in the middle turned out but the black was really more of a grey. Again something that I can be fixed the next go around. I'm looking forward to seeing how these turn out when their dry. I made a best offer on a swift on ebay and I have a bid in for a ball winder so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. They would make my life so much easier.

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