Thursday, January 6, 2011

I Have Thumbs!

Ok, so I've always had thumbs (both of them, thankfully) but now my mittens do as well! In the span of a week my charity mittens went from this:
To this:
Yay! One set of mittens for Mitten Madness complete! Of course that means I had to start another pair. I decided to do some game knitting fingerless mittens/ninja gloves. I started with this:

And ended with these:
 Me modeling one.
Game knitting is a lot like a drinking game. You watch a show or movie and whenever a much expected action or line is performed you change the way you're knitting. The game knitting booklet that I purchased has a bunch of base designs like these mitts and a few hats and scarves and such to choose from. The real fun is the various ways you can mix up your knitting. I chose to change the ribbing pattern on these as I watched Family Guy every night. It was pretty fun and definitely quick knitting. Next I want to try a short row hat. In addition to making a lot of knits for charity I've also been working on my Wyvern socks which I decided long ago to name the Red Dragon Socks.

Started with these:

And now have these:
Which look almost exactly the same. I never said I was quickly knitting on these. Just a few more inches and I'll be ready for the short row heel. I know I've done a short row heel but I don't do it very often so I can never remember the particulars of how to do them. At least I still have a little time to look up the directions!

Tonight I'm dyeing some yarn for the store. The online store will probably go down for a few days but while I get the new yarn photographed and listed but it will be back shortly. I had a major problem last night with my skein winder, 3 cones of sock yarn, and a my digital scale so that's set the release of my sock yarns back a little bit but they will be coming! In the meantime please follow the Eastern European and Russian Orphanages Project on Twitter and learn about all the cool things we have coming up :)


Lynn said...

Game knitting sounds like fun, but I still think I prefer the drinking version! LOL

Caryn said...

Cute mittens! I'm very excited to see a new campaign and I will be knitting up some mittens. If its ok, I'll include the hats I knit in November that got packed when we moved instead of being mailed.

Also, the website looks great but something funky is going on with the mitten campaign deadline date. It says March 31, 20100.

Melissa said...


It would be great for you to include the hats! I'm thinking in the next month or so I'm going to do a little "side campaign" for hats. I like to have lots to send out! As for the date, well, I like to *really* prepare for the future :) It should say March 31, 2011. By 20100 we'll have evolved special insulating hairs on our hands and mittens will be superfluous.

Kate said...

Hey Mel! Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and yay for 2011!
* Your socks look lovely
* I can't believe how much charity knitting and mission work you find time for (makes me take a long hard look at my own efforts)
* 2010 is a bit of a blur for me, so much going on with work and ordinary family life - I think we need those "ordinary" years to just catch up and prepare for much bigger events just around the corner - I'm sure you'll find some wonderful things happening in 2011!