Tuesday: Run (literally) out of work once children are dismissed for bus call. Go to dentist appointment. Decide to get car's emissions inspected. Decide may need cash to have car inspected. Go by bank. Discover ATM is being serviced. Drive across town to other ATM. Decide too far away from shop and too tired to have emissions test done. Go home. Hang out with newly groomed (and clearly uninterested) cat.

Wednesday: Wake up early. Spend day at new school observing the fun that is first grade (including field day!). Go to Guitar Center to pick up drumsticks to teach lessons on Thursday with. Run into old friend. Chat. Go have car inspected. Skillfully avoid having to count money for fundraiser dinner with co-teacher (ok, so he called and cancelled but still...). Go to grocery store. Come home and make dinner. Watch tv and knit 2 rows on new mitered square. Decide to take a wee little nap at 7:30 p.m. Awake at 9:30 and reluctantly drag self from couch to bathroom to get ready for bed. Collapse into bed.
Thursday (today): Wake at normal time and begin getting ready. On way out the door try and juggle very big trash bag, old box (for trash), box of teaching supplies, computer in case, knitting for class at school, and work bag with miscellaneous junk. Decide to take 2 trips to car. Get to work and run a percussion ensemble rehearsal for 45 minutes. Unpack bags of junk needed for the day. Teach music type stuff. Teach 2 private lessons after work. Run home. Feed cat. Change clothes. Drive across town to Mom's birthday dinner #1 (we like to celebrate birthdays for about a month. My mom's actual b-day is this Sunday). Come home. Blog.
What is slated for the rest of the week:
Friday: Field day at my school (=hours in the sun). Teach 2 more private lessons. Have late dinner with N.D. Collapse into bed.
Saturday: Bike ride or workout in the early morning hours. Meet with A.G. about possible job helping with his business. Drive to parent's house. Get addresses for a proposed mail out/fundraising for Moldova effort. Ride to Athens. Watch UGA baseball game (weather permitting). Come home. Collapse into bed.
Sunday: Church. Come home. Lunch. Nap. Drive to Lake Hartwell in North Georgia for wedding at 6:00 p.m.* Drive home in the late evening. Collapse into bed. *Note: The possibility that I will actually go to this wedding is still up in the air even as I type this.
Reasons why this may be a difficult rest of the week:
1. I will be exposed to so much sun the probability of me getting sunburned is very high.
2. I need more sleep than I can schedule. Notice the amount of collapsing into bed that I am/will be doing.
3. I'm still not sure there are enough hours in the day to accomplish all I have to do. I have not even scheduled in things like paying bills and ordering supplies that I need for teaching my private lessons.
4. I went and left my knitting bag at work today.
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